Years ago, a friend suggested I go see Linda for a consultation after being so blown away herself by Linda’s insights. I had never been to a physic before, so I wasn’t sure what to expect and I knew nothing about metaphysics. All I knew was surely there was more to life than the rat race I had become caught up in that felt empty. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
To this day, the best thing I’ve ever done in my life was making that appointment. That was 30+ years ago and I haven’t been the same sense (thank goodness). Linda continues to be my major influence in my life.
Linda opened my heart to love. Through self-realization, awareness and conscious living, Linda’s guidance has allowed me to let go of old negative thought patterns, destructive and self-sabotaging behaviors and much more. The transformations have led me to have a more fulfilled life, one of self-love which ultimately radiates outwardly to ALL my other relationships and experiences.
Linda opened my eyes to see God manifest in EVERYTHING. She introduced me to new aspects of the God force; through nature, animals, meditation, a yogic lifestyle, crystals, astrology, numerology, feng shui, the laws and principles that govern the Universe and so much more.
Linda opened my ears to listen to my inner knowing by connecting to Divine Source through meditation.
Linda opened my Being to live a more conscious and heart centered life.
Linda empowered me with the knowledge and tools to cope with life and all it brings.
Most people will remember the Great Recession of 2008. For me, it was exceptionally painful. After a successful career in commercial real estate, I lost everything; my home, real estate properties, cars, jewelry, everything but my dignity.
If it wasn’t for the deep spiritual roots that Linda had cultivated during my life up to that point, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with the circumstances so graciously. But with her guidance, I was able to see past the material world and recognize I wasn’t my circumstances, or the material wealth I had accumulated, but a soul being, which is invaluable. For all that I lost, I gained so much more in self-worth, and inner abundance.
Linda gave me a life with purpose and the ability to cope with all of life’s circumstances.
- Karen Cook